I’ve collected handmade bowl for the last 30 years, enjoying them everyday!
My bowl turning journey started in 2017 and never looked back. My most prized possession is my growing log pile. Can’t wait to see what it holds.
I am not traditionally trained, finding my way organically. I work out of my own shop that is located in the woods. I continue to learn about tools, techniques, materials and more.
For me, it’s the journey of turning the bowl. I love how as I peel wood with the chisel the life of the tree is exposed. It’s a surprise to find a knot, see the curl and watch the grain. Many times the wood dictates the bowl shape.
I have always had a bit of obsession with dead trees. I think that’s why I’ve been loving this journey. Generally I use wood that is on it’s way to the woodpile for burning, euphemistically called ‘Urban Wood’.
I will take commissions from that downed tree in your own yard that has special meaning, pet urns and bowls. Generally I use food safe Walnut Oils but will alter depending on your preferences.